Saturday, May 3, 2008


Last night, Michael and I went to see the new Ben Stein movie Expelled.  We had to drive all the way up to the Quail Springs mall theatre (about 35 min.) because the movie was pulled from all Moore, Norman and Oklahoma City theaters.  This just added to the anticipation.  A friend that has been going to church with us came to the movie which, was just awesome for him to see.  It was a great film that inspired great conversation about Evolution vs. intelligent Design.  Expelled talks about the fact that scientists can not discuss Intelligent Design without fear of loosing their job.  Ben interviewed 4 former scientists who just mentioned ID in a class or a paper and were just absolutely cut out of their academic community.  In the movie, the world of science is compared to the Nazi regime.  I know this sounds extreme, but these people fear for their life because of what the believe.  Of course it lays out many more similarities.  It was a lot of information to take in and this little blog hardly does it justice.

Anyways, I thought it was a great movie.  It makes you think and it actually gives both sides of the debate a fair chance.  Definitely worth the drive to Quail Springs.