Thursday, August 9, 2007


I finally was able to go camping again with my family! My family takes this annual camping trip in Yosemite, above the valley in the best little camp ground called White Wolf. I wasn't able to go last year because Mike and I got married just a few weeks before. He let me fly to Cali. for two weeks just to sit around and hang out with my family (what a great hubby!). But in all honesty, this trip means more to us than just "camping". My Grandparents started the tradition shortly after they were married and when the roads in Yosemite were lacking greatly. They always took my Mom and Uncles to this favorite family spot and they have all passed on this tradition to us. It has turned out to be a time to relax (get a killer tan), reconnect with family, and reconnect with the great Lord who made this place for us to enjoy. I was just so sad that Michael couldn't make it, but of course work/training has priority over camping. One of my favorite things about this years trip was that our new nephew, Cavin, was with us!! I don't know what else to say about this little guy other than he is ADORABLE and has such a special place in my soft, gushy heart.